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Many people may not have a gym membership, or they have a gym membership but don't go very often.  Maybe all of the machines are   intimidating.  Maybe getting a babysitter to go to the gym sounds daunting and expensive.  Regardless of the reason, I come to YOUR home with some basic equipment and train you.  Whether we use your basement, backyard, or living  room, I just need about a 10' x 10' space to get you moving. If you have kids,  they are more than welcome to watch! 


The goal is that you have a replicable workout that you can do with minimal  equipment in your own space.  If you plan to go to the gym, I can also write you  a workout for your gym if  you would like.  


My goal is not to make you dependent on a fitness professional for your health and wellness.  My goal is to teach you the tools so that, over time, you are confident in the gym or in your home with a workout routine on your own.  You will learn the basics about the human body and build confidence about how to manage your health. 


Many people approach health and fitness as an all or nothing endeavor. Hence, their weight often fluctuates throughout their life.  The goal of my program is to make small, maneagable changes in your life that will stick.  I will meet you at your current fitness level and help you develop goals that are realistic for your lifestyle.  
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